Pereira Rende, Virxinia

A Estrada, 1884 – Madrid, 1969. Exiled who lived in New York from 1938 to 1940.
Virxinia Pereira in Nova York (from Castelao, a UPG e outras memorias by Luis Soto, Xerais, 1983)

She arrived in New York with his husband Alfonso Daniel Rodríguez Castelao in June 1938, aboard the liner Ille de France, leaving from La Havre and with a stop at Southampton. The couple remained in the United States until July 1940 (including visits to other cities and a three-month stay in Cuba). They initially settled at the Alamak Hotel (Broadway, corner of 71st Street) and later moved to 141 West 85th Street (Manhattan). En 1940 they left for Buenos Aires. She accompanied Castelao in his propagandistic mission for the Republic and his efforts to unify the community of Galician antifascists. For example, she spoke at a picnic to raise funds that took place in Staten Island park, organised by the Comité Pro Democracia Española in New Jersey and the Comité Español de Staten Island. She was named honorary president of the Sección de Damas and of the Juventudes Gallegas of the Frente Popular Antifascista Gallego (Fontes: Luís Soto, Castelao, a UPG e outras memorias (1983); Emilio González López, Castelao, propagandista da República en Norteamérica (2000); Miguel Anxo Seixas Seoane, Castelao. Construtor da nación, tomo II (1931-1939) (2020)).