My gratitude to the School of Arts, Language and Culture (Bangor University) for providing the funding to create this website.

While carrying out my research, I visited a number of archives in Galicia: Arquivo Municipal da Coruña, Arquivo Municipal de Bergondo, Arquivo Municipal de Bueu and the Casa do Pobo de Beluso, Arquivo da Emigración Galega, Arquivo do Reino de Galicia, Arquivo Municipal de Oleiros, Arquivo Municipal de Riveira. My sincere thanks to these institutions and to the people who treated me so well during my stay in their archives. Special thanks to the Bergondo Council, to the archivist Marta López and the Mayoress Alejandra Pérez, for their support and interest in my work.

Apart from these institutions, a number of individuals also generously provided me with material: the historians Natalia Jorge Pereira and Eliseo Fernández, the writers Francisco Álvarez “Koki”, Claudio Rodríguez Fer and Francisco Xosé Fernández Naval, the translator Craig Patterson, the filmmakers Anxo Fernández and Alber Ponte as well as several people such as Noé Benavides and Arturo Sánchez. I’m very grateful for all their help.

A million thanks to my good friend Daniel Arias Mosquera, who came along to most of the archival visits and helped me collect the material.

Last but not least, my thanks also go to the web developers Javi and Edu from estudiocaravana. Without them it would have been literally impossible to make this web a reality.