After studying several university degrees in Spain, Italy and Germany, he left for the United States in 1970. He considers himself a political exile, due to the restrictions of the Franco regime. In New York, he began to carry out social work from 1971, with a project for the rehabilitation of drug addicts, and the creation of a teaching network for young people of Latino descent in lower Manhattan. This second activity began with classes in the apartments where the students lived, and in 1973 became an educational corporation called “Solidaridad Humana”. Thanks to the program, some of these students managed to pass the University entrance exam.
In addition to his work with the community, Pacio Lindín has also taught at several American universities, as Professor of Sociology and Linguistics, at Rochester, Fordham, and The City University of New York (CUNY), where he retired in 2000. He has published several essays in different languages, for example: Juventud radical (Spanish, 1978), Terra Húmeda (Galician, 1979), Biliterate Immigrants in a Community Setting (English, 1991) (Sources: prologue by Carlos G. Reigosa to Juventud radical; Galicia Digital; El País; Sonia Villapol, “Dino Pacio Lindín, da Terra Húmida ó Baixo Manhattan”).