Novás Calvo, Lino

Grañas do Sor, Mañón, A Coruña, 1905 – New York, 1983. Writer, journalist and translator.

He migrated to Cuba and settled in Havana at the age of seven with an uncle. There he works as a courier, innkeeper, cleaning clerk, coal miner and rental driver. In 1926 he moved to New York, where he worked for a year in hard jobs. Back in Havana, he came into contact with the world of journalism and published several poems in the Revista de Avance. He then went on to work as a bookstore employee and since then frequently collaborated with the press. In 1930 he returned to Spain and traveled through France and Germany, and finally settled in Madrid, where he collaborated with the newspapers El Sol and La Voz. He publishes essays on literary criticism and short novel stories in Revista de Occidente. For years he was editor of the magazine Bohemia. In 1931 he was sent to Madrid as a correspondent for the magazine Orbe and when it disappeared he worked as an employee of the library of the Ateneo de Madrid. At the beginning of the Spanish Civil War he joined the 5th Regiment, becoming an officer in Valentin González’s Brigade, known as “El Campesino”, while publishing articles of republican propaganda. At the end of the war he returned to Cuba and worked as a journalist for the newspaper Noticias de Hoy. He continued his intense narrative and journalistic activity. In the 1960s, dissatisfied with the Cuban Revolution, he left the island. He remained for a while in Venezuela and for years worked as a professor at Syracuse University in New York.

(Information taken directly from “Repertorio biobibliográfico do exilio galego”, Consello da Cultura Galega).