Lobo, Leocadio

Exile helped by the Frente Popular Antifascista Gallego. He had been abbot of San Xinés in Madrid and had received help from Negrín and the Communists. In New York he was editor for La Voz, the newspaper run by the Vigo entrepreneur Ceferino Barbazán. According to Emilio González López, Lobo tried to take control of the newspaper. Víctor Fuentes says about him:

“He arrived in exile in New York in February 1939, suspended from his ecclesiastical duties. Born in 1887, of a humble family in a town near Madrid, he got to get a doctorate in theology and to do a pastoral work that earned him many accolades. He died in New York in June 1959. […] after being rehabilitated as a priest in 1947, he did evangelical work
among the most needed of the Puerto Rican community, similar to to that of the ‘priest-workers’ of the postwar period in Europe […]. In his early years in New York, Leocadio Lobo worked dubbing Hollywood movies and participated, in 1942, in a representation of El Alcalde de Zalamea, in the theater of the Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas, with which he collaborated so much.”

(Emilio González López, Castelao, propagandista da República en Norteamérica (2000); Víctor Fuentes, “Personas y obras memorables del exilio republicano neoyorkino en el olvido”, Cuadernos de Aldeeu, 30 (2016)).